Many have asked for my workout week heading into the final days of preparation for IMLP. I head into training camp two weeks from today in the mountains in Vermont for 4 days. We have 140 mile rides and runs and big swims. I'll post that schedule next week. In the meantine, tomorrow concludes the only rest week I'll have for the next month (12 hours of working out). IMLP is 42 days away. Some of that time will include a taper. The main chance to top of the fitness level will be from now and probably the next two-three weeks. In essence, if I'm not ready now, its too late.
As mentioned, I'm working on putting a little weight back on. I'll accomlpish this by using lean protein sources (whey protein, lean chicken, etc) The goal for race day will be 141-142. I'm 140 today and too light heading into a build week and training camp.
Monday Jun 15, 2009
Zone R
Duration: 01:00:00
Distance: 3000.0
Recovery Swim
3000 continuous at 800TT pace plus 15 seconds per 100 (ZR swim pace).
Tuesday Jun 16, 2009
Zone 1
Duration: 00:30:00
Distance: 1600.0 yds
Steady Swim
Swim 2 X 800 on best 800 TT pace plus 10 seconds per 100 with 30 second rests between sets.
Best Sustainable Effort
Duration: 02:00:00
Distance: 0.0
Speed Work
35 min @ ZR/Z1
Main Set:
2 X (20 min interval, 5 min recovery @ ZR)
**Use best sustainable effort through all intervals**
35 min @ ZR
Zone 1
Duration: 00:45:00
Distance: 0.0
Z1 T Run (1st mile Z2)
Run the 1st mile off of the bike @ Z2 and the remainder at Z1.
Wednesday Jun 17, 2009
Best Sustainable Effort
Duration: 01:25:00 S
Distance: 4200.0 yds
Big Set
o 400 swim/300pull/200 swim/100 kick
o 2 X 50 all out
Main Set:
o 800 Time Trial
o 100 easy pull
o 400 Time Trial
o 100 easy pull
o 400 Time Trail
o 100 easy pull
o 5 X 200 on TT + 10 sec as:
1st 200 steady, 2nd with last 50 hard, 3rd with last 100 hard, 4th with last 150 hard and 5th 200 as a time trial.
**Record times for the 800, both 400’s and the last 200. Add them together for your score. Rest time between
sets should be about 2-3 minutes as 100 easy pull**
o 2 X 100 easy as 50 fist, 50 free. 5 breaths rest in between sets
Zone R
Duration: 02:00:00
Distance: 0.0
ZR Ride
**Stay at the lower end of zone R if you feel you need the recovery. Keep cadence at 95+ throughout!
Zone R
Duration: 00:35:00
Distance: 0.0
ZR T Run
Start your T run within 10 minutes after the bike ride. Run duration @ ZR with a cadance of at least 88 steps per
Thursday Jun 18, 2009
Best Sustainable Effort
Duration: 00:45:00
Distance: 0.0
Tabata Intervals
20 min @ ZR
Main Set:
8 X (20 seconds all out at 60-90 rpm, 10 seconds total rest)
**Use the lower range cadence further from race day and the upper end of the range for the last few workouts before
race day**
20 min @ ZR
Best Sustainable Effort
Duration: 01:15:00
Distance: 0.0
Speed Work
15 min @ ZR/Z1 (as you feel)
Main Set:
5 X (1 mile repeats, 3.5 minute total recoveries)
**Use best sustainable effort through all intervals**
10 min @ Z1
Friday Jun 19, 2009
Best Sustainable Effort
Duration: 01:20:00
Distance: 4200.0
Speed Set Swim
1000 continuous @ TT+10 sec
Main Set:
5 X (Best sustainable repeats of: 600 yards on TT+10 sec)
1 X 200 pull on TT+10 sec swam at TT+5 sec
Zone R
Duration: 01:45:00
Distance: 0.0
ZR Ride
**Stay at the lower end of zone R if you feel you need the recovery. Keep cadence at 95+ throughout!
Zone R
Duration: 00:35:00
Distance: 0.0
ZR T Run
Start your T run within 10 minutes after the bike ride. Run duration @ ZR with a cadance of at least 88 steps per
Saturday Jun 20, 2009
Zone 1
Duration: 01:00:00
Distance: 0.0
Z1 T Run
Zone 1 Run. Make sure you decend the pace by getting faster throughout the workout. Start at the lower end of zone
1 and work your way toward the top by the end of the workout.
Zone 2
Duration: 06:00:00
Distance: 0.0
Z1/Z2 Ride
Bike 264 minutes at Z1, then 96 minutes @ Z2. Decend the pace throughout the ride and finish toward the top of Z2.
Keep cadance at 90+ rpm.
Sunday Jun 21, 2009
Zone 1
Duration: 01:25:00
Distance: 0.0
Z1 Run
Zone 1 Run. Make sure you decend the pace by getting faster throughout the workout. Start at the lower end of zone
1 and work your way toward the top by the end of the workout.
Zone R
Duration: 02:00:00
Distance: 0.0
ZR Ride
**Stay at the lower end of zone R if you feel you need the recovery. Keep cadence at 95+ throughout!
Zone 1
Duration: 01:25:00
Distance: 0.0
Z1 T Run
Start your T run within 10 minutes after the bike ride. Run duration at zone and make sure you decend the pace by
getting faster throughout the workout. Start at the lower end of zone 1 and work your way toward the top by the end
of the workout.
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