Recently, a friend asked me; “Mark, has there ever been any goal or task in your life that you felt you could not accomplish?” Well, I have to say this question knocked me off my tracks a bit for a few days. I wondered, do I come off as too driven or even arrogant? Do I not show how much I love life? I answered first, that I have come up short often and massively. Probably more so than on top. However, I really feel that failure is just the price you pay for having something great to compare. I will never let the thought of failing dictate my desire to put myself out there no matter how silly I might appear, no matter how I’m judged. I think you fail when you are afraid to fail plain and simple. But when I set my mind to something, you can’t stand in my way, because I will find a way to get it done.
Just few minutes now to update! Yesterday, was a rare rest day in as many days as I can remember. The mental fatigue at this level of training is something difficult to put into words. Trying to pin down my calendar, eat well, get rest and attend to all that life offers is daunting to say the least. However, I knew over 47 weeks ago that my June and July were going to be insane, and I was dead on. Jesse has helped me more in the past month with staying on my tail with suggesting rest and being concerned with diet and body mass. There is nothing left to chance. I don't know how he does this with all of his 26 athletes??!
Which leads me to where we are today! Endurance training entails so many nuances. Most people, including myself prior to this undertaking did not fully understand what can and will go into optimum performace. To back-track, I did not put a mild goal on my plate; I set my sights on the single most difficult sporting achievement that I’m aware of, the World Championships, AKA Kona. We all know it is a long shot, and I’m ok with that. I’ve made un-believable progress in the past 47 weeks. I’ve shed over 30 lbs in this cycle, reduced my body fat to close to 10%, speed, power, swim are right there. I’m healthy and my ability to suffer through immense effort is right there with the best. I can hang with pro’s and I’ve been able to do all this through some very tough situations. Some I’ve done well, some not so well. The ability to achieve your maximum ability takes time. Some say to achieve my goal, it should take 4-5 years. I’ve been at it for 11 months. It’s been explained to me that your race day is a factor of 25% rest, 25% nutrition, 25% race pacing and 25% of the right kind of training. Unfortunately, issues outside of my control have impacted at least 50% of that equation during my last block, rest and nutrition. Now keep in mind I have not missed one single brick during this or any other session. However, I don’t think I made the progression I should have as a result of not getting enough rest and nutrition. Jesse explained this to me this past week and pushed my times higher away from my goal of qualifying for Kona. This is as bad as you can get after 47 weeks vs. having an injury. I’m ok with it, because I’ve given my all. There is still race day and I’m looking forward and not back!
Knowing this, I headed into this past week with a goal to put the top into everything I have as the final push. Even more so than usual, which I feel is always best effort. Jesse advised me that there is hope, and I need to operate like a machine and an athlete 100% of the time from here on out. Rest will be the most important aspect of my next three weeks. We will shed the last few pounds in the next three weeks to get my BMI to approx 9.5%.
To steal the well written words of pro athlete and QT2@systems teammate and coach Cait Snow (Won last year at LP), 4 days 26 people, 13 hours in the saddle, 2 mile TT Swims in open water while we beat on each other, 35 miles of running and mega food and sharing of training ideas from the pros all in the mountains of VT. I set out for the weekend with a goal to hang with the pro’s on the ride and to see were I am. I’ve trained alone for so long, I have no idea what others can do. I’ve had race days, but little or no exposure to others.
I was really happy how things went for me this past weekend. The 142-mile ride I pretty much pegged my ZR heart rate to the wall before going into z2 and lactate threshold. This means I was very close to race pace. Good run off the bike at a 7:28 min pace.
Next day we had an open water TT swim as a mass start. I’ve become so lean; I now need my 3rd wet suit after only 11 months. My suit filled up with water and it felt as if I had a gallon of water in my right arm. I hung on one of my teammates feet and drafted for at least 1.5 miles. Around the last buoy I sprinted and goosed Paul and felt amazing. The whole swim was very easy and I graded out to close to 1:05, which is where I need to be. I really feel I can go faster.
My long run this weekend was brutal. I was so thrashed after putting in over 25 hours of the most insane training I can imagine. I completed the run while running with the coach’s wife Chrissie. She is simply an amazing athlete. I had a hard time matching her on this day even though I had to wait for her do her business in the woods and to slow for an injured teammate. I left off 7 minutes of the run due to a tight knee. All is fine now.
I came out of the camp completely healthy and renewed as to how far I’ve come. I really feel good coming into this race and know in my heart of hearts that I’ve given my all thus far. It was emotional coming back during the long ride home doing the replay of all the days running in frigid temps, long days in the pool, and so much suffering. It’s as if I’ve already had my race just getting through in my opinion the very best training protocol anywhere as well as the toughest. I was awarded honorable mention for the camp as 1 out of 3/26 athletes.
This week I have a lower level of volume (13 hours). This is good because I have other things that need my attention this week. So many thanks to my trusted associate Sue for literally walking behind me and picking up all of the pieces over the last few weeks. There have been more than a few days that I almost appear numb while holding meetings and talking business while in her presence. She has kicked my tail into action so often. I really appreciate her patience.
We are putting the final touches on travel for Placid. There is going to be a huge number of friends supporting me. I was so thrilled to learn today that my best friend Rick will be attending my race with his wife Christine. Rick has been one of my biggest supporters. The finish line is going to be so emotional.
Next week we increase the load back to 22 hours with race specific intensity. From there its pair down the last of the weight (barley anything left) and into taper and rest. I can taste it now.
Thanks for following.
Joel Kehm at 8:53am July 2
Mark, you've done an amazing job. Very few people can stick to your program without knowing what was truly at the other end. Race day will be full of the unexpected. There will be at least a couple moments where you think you can't do it. For me there was this sense of panic when I thought "holy sh-t. All that work and it ends here!" And that... Read More's where your real talent kicks in. Out of nowhere comes this incredible, almost self-destructive impulse, where you say "screw it. I might not finish but only because I'm unconscious." It's awesome and scary at the same time. What you'll come to see also is that those moments are more important to experience than even the somewhat arbitrary goal of Kona. It's this incredible affirmation of your life.
Hey, Buddy.
Just read your blog, and I'm crying. Seriously. I feel like I'm there with you somehow, though the goals aren't the same. I haven't come nearly as close to the edge physically as you have, I still have so much fear to overcome. But we have a lot in common from a battling through perspective. Thanks for writing all that, and for being the man that you are. I wish I could be there for your emotional finish, but please know that I bless you, and will be with you in spirit. You are an inspiration to me, and I don't mean that in the corny "Chicago" way....lol.
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