
Seven Days Until We Dance!

I am now within seven days of completing my second Ironman Campaign in Utah on May 1st. The inner quite is very amazing this go-round. I’m not sure if it’s the strength of knowing I’ve applied focus like never before despite the usual highs and lows.  The dances now, prepare myself to go to that “dark place”, and from deep within, lay it out with nothing left. Propel my body 140.6 miles while leaving nothing behind. No looking back, ever! This is it for me, right now!

Recently, I asked my coach where I compare now in my preparation for this race vs. my first Ironman campaign last year. To date, during my primary build, I’ve logged 410 hours in 22 weeks vs. Lake Placid at 465 Hours in 26 weeks. My BMI two weeks ago was at 11% and I’ve pulled it down to 9% as it stands now. My current weight is 140 and 4 pounds lower than Lake Placid. I am many weeks ahead of where I was last year. In addition, looking back the past 22 weeks, the level and intensity has been amazing (much harder because my peripheral system had a solid base and could handle more).  I have a better understanding on how to destroy myself during a workout with the knowledge that I am able to do this and complete subsequent workouts at a higher level. Also, I really came to understand the value of sleep and rest. Combined, I’ve attained better results and the stress has been more manageable. The results have been there in the testing and preliminary racing.

My many thanks!
Well, there is one for sure! The old adage, “it takes a village to raise the young” always struck a cord with me. By that I mean, one of the best and worst things about a pursuit as selfish as Ironman is; we log so many lonely miles by ourselves, but none of what an Ironman athlete does on race day is possible without the support of many! I get crazy teary at the point that the longest workouts are complete because I think of all the people that propel and support me on a daily basis to help me achieve my goals. The sacrifice friends and family make are unreal! Some I tell daily how much I love them and thank them in person. Some never know how much I appreciate them, which is a shame and I need to do a better job at that and not be so self-absorbed. So here goes! Please excuse me if I’ve missed anyone and ignore the order!

My Kid’s, Bella and Mark. Thank you for rooting me on and putting up with me. Thank you Bella for pulling fries out of my mouth when the diet kicks-in and giving me the hairy eyeball if I try and sneak a piece of candy. I’m hoping that you see my actions as proof that one person can make a difference and chase your star at the same time. That life with passion and empathy is what it’s all about!

Thank you Michelle F, for treating me like I’m a newborn baby while pouring all of my concoction type drinks. The many times I completed a tough workout only to have the perfect recovery breakfast waiting for me. The laundry alone was amazing! You always have my back and your support has been amazing while dealing with crap on the field of play and off. So many days I’ve had to cut off fun-times and go to sleep again like a newborn in order to shred myself the following day! You are solid to the core!  I’m so grateful to have you in my life!

My coach Jesse. On our team we kid often about calling him GOD. While not offending some (I’m catholic) this dude is the real-deal. The crap he has in his head about endurance is off the charts. Anyone who truly wants to go as fast as possible with what the good lord gave you in the form of genetics, dedication and talent, he will pull that out of you! Thank you for crafting a plan in and around my hectic life! www.qt2systems.com

Sue C, yet again I could not pull any of this stuff off without you. You now manage every aspect of my life! If you ever go down, I’m screwed! You are family to me and I appreciate you so much! Thanks for putting up with me!! I know for sure you’ve never met anyone like me!!!

Shanna P, broken record on this one. We recently had the chance to meet in Boston. I can’t say enough about how Shanna came into my life! Face book and social media is a funky thing. I’ll never "pooh-pooh" it, because I’m so grateful to have her as a friend. Shanna thanks for always making me “dig deep”. I’m holding you to the Kona trip when I make it!

QT2, the many athletes on our team. So many of them have helped me over the year with support and competition. Thank you Pat Wheeler, Andy, Michelle, Courtney, Keith, Molly and all the rest!

Katrina: My massage guru. Was not able to get in to see you as often as needed, but thank you for keeping me healthy

Fitwerx, great crew with keeping the rig in the best shape. My bike continues to impress and I appreciate the great last minute service when I breeze in and need stuff fast! www.fitwerx.com

Newton Running. Thanks so much for your sponsorship and great gear! Running pain free is where it is at! www.newtonrunning.com

Whitney: Thank you for allowing me to dedicate this race for you! I hope to deliver on my promise even if that means crawl to the finish line!

I am now in taper mode, which means all of the hard stuff until race day is complete. I’m healthy, excited and the happiest I’ve ever been. Thank all of you for your amazing support, love and motivation!

Below is the link for tracking:
Mark Scribner
Bib 1682
May 1, 2010, 7:00AM West Coast Start

1 comment:

GetBackJoJo said...

Good luck, Mark! You are going to have a great race!