Recently, I read the book Ultramarathon Man by Dean Karnazes. A part of the book I read struck a cord with me. One night while Dean was at bar, a little drunk and faced with some choices that would impact his life and the people around him going forward, Dean opted to sneak out through the kitchen of the bar and proceed to run through the night until exhaustion. Dean it appeared was dealing with stressors in his life and was taking inventory of whom he was and where he wanted to go. He was not fulfilled in ways that stroked his soul. Dean had lots to be thankful for, he was healthy, had a great wife and thriving children, but that was not enough. Who had he become and what was the uneasiness in his soul?
From there, Dean found endurance sports which in short helped him heal from the loss of his sister and to push himself to untold limits by racing at a frantic pace in locals all over the world.
Dean over the years always was asked why? Dean made up answers because he really never knew why; it’s just that it’s something he needed to do. Over the years, Dean was able to combine fundraiser to match this soothing of his soul. The why more or less was back filled because Dean recognized that pushing himself unveiled so much about himself. Dean was able to surround himself with other motivated individuals and daredevils, who like Dean, had the need to test their inner limits in ways many could never understand. They just got it and Dean.
Sorry for the book report, but obviously I felt compelled to write about this book, because for the first time I was able to read about someone whom I felt I could relate regarding the need to test my limits. It was much more than an Ah hah moment? I’ve heard that this is how some religions have been formed?
Do you recall sitting in school taking psychology 101 and hearing the professor discuss different conditions and diseases you swear to yourself that you or some you know has that same condition? Well that was a little like how I felt reading Dean’s book! Not a carbon copy, because every precious life has its unique fingerprint. Certainly there is comfort in numbers at times?!?!?
After reflecting, it’s pretty spot on for I think a lot of us searching to find purpose, passion and something bigger than what sits in front of us!! I’m certain some in life search out ways to find answers, self medicate with drugs, going to bars, etc. I’m even sure some use endurance sports as a way to heal wounds! I know for me, it’s a combination of all that and more!
As of today, I’ve found the time I’m out in the road or training to be a great place to become a better person and I’ve coined it my personal development lab!
I also found it reassuring yet again to read that Dean over the years was able to pull some amazing feats with the love and support of his wife and children. I like reading how his kids have become his biggest supporters through the years and his events have become family affairs. I knew this was possible because I have met so many amazing people who live this way!
As you might know, I’ve been attacked more than a few times by small minded people who chose to live in a vacuum and are afraid of life. I only pray that they meet some of the people I’ve been fortunate enough to cross paths with….
So what’s with that reformation?
The past few weeks I’ve taken it pretty low profile with training while working with Jesse ( )on how to pull off my next hooorah!
There will be stages for this, and largely my involvement will be determined by my fundraising success and the schedule of my family. The goals are pretty interesting and don’t afford the chance to sit back and wait for them to happen. Training for events such as these take a gradual approach in order to attain the results desired and to be healthy. You can't hope to run 155 miles on your resume!!
A couple of friends described the goals as Macro when I last posted them and questioned where the micro was in the planning? I love these guys, because they push as hard as anyone.
The races I have planned are Chile 155 mile Ultra, Boston Marathon, Lake Placid Ironman, Kona or the Sahara Dessert. I'm hoping to coach a group of 16 with many of them running their first Marathon, Boston!
Due to family issue, I’ve asked Jesse to try and formulate a plan for me and not have me race any or as few as possible prep races unless it falls on the weekends I don’t have my kids.
I took about 5 weeks off of Qt2 training standard. I was instructed to put in about 5 hours a week in training, but coming off of 25 hours a week it felt as if I was losing my mind with the extra time made available. I just do so well with lots going on and tasking around Ironman, it was time to bring back more of my routine. I'm one of those people who sputters without goals!! I know that about myself!
Jesse was concerned that I would “give-back” too much of my hard earned progress and gave me some weight guidelines to follow. Well, I exceeded that, but not by much. It was fun to see after testing for whatever reason I actually improved my BMI as compared to my last break in November. I still have no clue how that is possible with the amount of pizza and donuts I ate in five weeks! I also improved a little on power. That’s def going to be a new sponsor for me, Dunkin Donut’s, Boston Crème, Get the power Mark got by eating our donuts!!
I do know that my fitness slid a lot. I attended a training weekend recently with my team and most of them are in Ironman shape pre Lake Placid. I had hopes of riding with the top guns, but reality took over and it was ugly!! It actually pissed me off!!
For now I’m pretty happy ramping it up and learning how to be more efficient in my running, swimming and cycling. I’m spending more time looking around these days taking in the sites and enjoying the journey versus the results. I’ve got the comfort and the expanding knowledge that Ironman racing provides; that life can change, but there is no event or situation in front of me that I cannot overcome with the love and support of many and the mental toughness to determine how my life will turn out just like Ironman does. Thanks Dean for reconfirming that. I could not put your book down!No Mercy
No MercyNo Mercy

freaking AWESOME!!!! YEah teammie!
I appreciated this post a great deal. I can relate to nearly all of it.
I love your plan for 2011. I love it.
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