Preparation continues for Chile/Atacama Crossing (same place they just plucked the miners from 33 of 33!) and the miles are definitely accumulating at a good clip now!
The coaches and I have been assembling data on Chile and reaching out to others who have completed this event prior to get a good feel for how to attack this feat. The training is very different compared to the typical ironman build I’ve done multiple times. I’m still doing a little swimming and biking but mainly I am back in the gym working on building a more solid core and trying to stave off injury for the increasing load that is happening each week. Check out the race data here:
The focus now is to go out there extremely slow and methodical for each run. On the days where recovery runs are called for are even slower. They are really, really slow and I’ve mixed them up a bit by going off trail and running in the woods on packed mud and pine needles without a Garmin or heart rate strap (naked).
In the beginning of this build I was completing some of my Z1 runs at the top end of my zones. This is always an issue for me and I got pulled back and reminded by the coaches that there was no way I’d be able to show up on March 6th at Chile, attempting to run a sub 3 in Boston and transition into full blow Ironman mode for lake Placid by cranking out almost peak runs. Not getting injured is going to be a miracle in of its self. I’ve reeled it back about 10bpm’s per run and now I get really nice emails from the coach when I barley crack the Z1 charts. I know that going slower is the only way to go faster. However, it’s against my nature and fight with it. I do feel that I am developing a pretty solid aerobic engine over the fast few weeks.
Recovery and 110% (play harder!)
One of the hard parts of putting in all this training is also putting together all of the remedies, concoctions and nutrition to recover the correct way. It seems like every run is over 10 miles these days with some of the more intense ones being completed as split runs with combined volume of 20 plus miles.
Over the years, I tried my best to use ice baths as a recovery tool. I’ve read all the data and it makes complete sense getting in a cold water based environment to reduce swelling. I’ve felt so much better and come back stronger after using them. However, each and every time I felt like I was going to have cardiac arrest after getting into the tub filled with ice water. A few weeks back I followed my massage therapist suggestions (she’s a world class marathoner) by using a diaper and sitting in the tub and slowly letting the water creep into the tub and then apply ice last. By the time you are about to freeze to death, you let the water drain. Start to finish this was to take 15 minutes. It was a nuisance lugging the ice upstairs and not to practical.
So I was on a tear to find out a better way after getting frustrated!
I was on Face Book one night and read a posting by Kellie Smirnoff that discussed this company called 110% that actually came up with a great idea!! This product has fit into my routine nicely. They have really comfortable compression knickers and calf sleeves that have pockets where you can put ice packets in and get the full benefit of an ice bath and the areas that are needed (no more diapers). Because I have a long commute, right after my run and recovery drink I put these babies on over my shorts and drive to my meetings. Tonight after my 10 miler, I wore them at dinner immediately after the run vs. ignoring recovery all together. Total multi tasking at its best!! I was using Zoot compression for a couple of years but I was so hot wearing them that I started avoiding them along with the ice baths. I like this company so much I’m looking forward to buying more stuff!! The compression knickers and calf ice sleeves have made a huge impact on my back-to-back runs that are pretty standard at least until April of 2011. Check them out
Next up: Please RSVP if you have not already to our Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation event on Nov 4th. We have some really nice auction and raffle items. It’s going to be a fun night. To RSVP click here:
1 comment:
Thank you so much for the info re:110% - Tom is going to run Boston for Childrens next year and I'm slowly working my way back to training for a marathon. Goal Bermuda 2013 for Muscular Dystrophy.
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