
Pulling it all together

If you couldn’t tell, I love putting a lot on my plate and have dove in deeply over the years into personal development when it comes to family, business and sport. Even more so since the endurance bug got a hold of me.

In fairness, I sometimes chuckle and shake my head as to how all this stuff goes down on a daily basis.  Once in a while some close to me pull out the pity party because they wonder out loud when I’m going to break with the schedule I keep. I remind them often that none of what I have going on in my life is without my doing. I fully believe that we all have choices in life and can only control how we react vs. being a victim. I'm certainly not a victim!! No one makes me do anything I don’t want to do. I don’t need to run marathons, train for Ironman’s or any other difficult goal oriented outcome. I chose this because it's one of the many ways I move towards my ideal life.

When it comes to how the days are rolling, here are some things I’ve come up with that have helped keep the train rolling! I’ve scaled some of the training goals down a bit and now focused on racing the Boston Marathon, coaching 26 athletes, Racing Ironman Lake Placid and some small prep races here and there. I’m commuting about 600-800 miles a week in the car between locations and work. That means Hotels a lot too!

Well credit is due of course again. My wife Michelle is amazing and she helps me immensely. She get’s all my bags ready, washes and folds every bit of stuff I produce, feeds me and packs my bags and food each day. I then pull on my personal assistant Sue to run all the daily items an executive needs taken care of. She handles every aspect of the calendar, bill pay you name it! I daily pull from my lifestyle coach Joe from IPG with measurable and quantifiable results and goals and last Qt2systems.com and the corediet.com for overlaid nutrition to keep me healthy and on target with endurance racing. With work I focus on working three straight weeks as a Wealth Advisor and on the fourth week I work on the business and myself termed Strategic Week.

So, as boring as this goes, and you asked for it; my typical week. I’ve replaced all my socks with the same color and brand so no more sorting to save time. I search often for ways to save time and be more efficient in any way I can. I have about 12 suits and 25 shirts in offices, the car, etc so I can be global and be ready to see clients and work regardless of where I am. I keep two sets of training gear in bags for swim, bike and run. Dry cleaning is key here! It seems as though I change three times a day!

Day prior at 4PM, I write my Six most important goals before leaving the office for the next day in Evernote.

5: 00PM. Head home or to a swim
6:30PM Eat, lean meat and fruit and veggies
7:00 Check emails and unwind while review next days training
8:00PM Read/Hang with the wife
8:30PM Protein Shake, some cottage cheese, head to sleep
4:30AM Wake and walk through my list of things I’m grateful for before putting my feet to floor.
4:45: Brush teeth and wonder what I can do on this day to better myself while staring in the mirror.
5:00 Hydrate and eat breakfast while watching YouTube or reading something positive. I’ll often post something positive or re-tweet to my athletes.
5:30 Workout begins
7:00 Showered and read my goals for the day and my first email and replenish food and recovery drink
7:30 In the car and plow through calls on my way to work
8:30 Meet with team and right at it
9:00 Piece of fruit
10:30 Snack
11:00 Read emails/respond
12:00 Salad with Grilled Chicken
1:00 Faye yogurt
2:00: Nuts
3:00 Fruit
3:30 Assemble goals for the next day
4:00 Read emails
4:30 Pack case and head to next workout or dinner with kids at 5:00PM

My wife pre-packs all of my meals for the prior day after reading my nutrition requirements depending on the volume. Right now I’m running a 350-calorie deficit to lose 1lb per week for the next 10 weeks in order to weigh in at 142 for the Boston Marathon. I typically have 2-4 hours of workouts during the workweek and 4-6 per day on the weekends. Volume right now is 17 hours and will cap out at about 23 hours before Placid. I usually have 2-3 meeting per day outside of the office with clients from Monday to Thursday and use Fridays to re-group and catch-up with reading and planning.

So there you have it…


Whitney :) said...

good grief! i want to be that organized someday :) u are an inspiration, Mark ... all day, every day!

whit :)

Anonymous said...

Slacker!!!!!! :-)

Pam said...

You are such an inspiration!