The 2009 season is coming to an end in just three short weeks after I complete the DC marathon on Oct 25, 2009.
This week the Ironman World Championships is taking place on October 10,2009 in Hawaii with 9 of my fellow Qt2 teammates competing on the world stage. It will be great to see all of their efforts pay off! It was really fun training alongside each of them this year to learn what it takes to compete at the very highest level. I fully expect to be there next year and I’m looking forward to building on the success I’ve had thus far. Think this year was crazy? Stay tuned!!!
Training Update:
Jesse (my coach from QT2) and I spoke this past Sunday to discuss the 2010 season and how he was going to approach my season planning and periodization. We determined as of Sunday, I’ve been training at a ridiculous level for 59 straight weeks with over 1100 hours of training with a combined total time off of 1 week. Yes, one week. It’s insane I know, but it was designed and followed to the T and the results speak for themselves. I can’t believe that my body did not break down, but it’s very much a testament to the planning and approach Jesse crafted.
Quick recap on events in 2009, No way to sort out dates or order, but here goes in the past 59 weeks. It worked out that there was some form of a race about every four weeks.
1) Timberman Half Iron
2) St Croix Half Iron
3) New Orleans Half Iron
4) Mooseman Half Iron
5) Boston Marathon Prep
6) Hyannis Half Marathon
7) Disney Half Marathon
8) Master’s Swim Meet
9) 2 5K’s
10) Ironman Lake Placid
11) Landry’s Time Trial
12) DC Marathon
13) Pumpkinman Half Iron
1100 Hours of Training
DC Marathon:
I received my pacing for this event from Jesse. As of late, my training has escalated a great deal in order to prepare for DC and to achieve a PR. I’m now back to close to 30 hours a week and working hard to get my BMI (7.5%) lower to race weight once again. The goal for the race is to race in a range from 3:06 to a best-case 2:58. I would love to break the 3-hour mark for a marathon. Also, can’t even fathom that only two years ago my first marathon was completed at 6:34!! Lot's of hard, hard work!
My body and mind are certainly at their limits like many of my fellow teammates who have been grinding so long and are in Hawaii. Staying in training mode has been great preparation for next year. It’s been so hard to find the motivation to keep the intensity high in training. A few times I’ve had to sit on the edge of the pool and talk myself into getting in the water. My body has been running at a deficit for so long, with hormone levels so messed up its time to shut it down for recovery and repair in order to bring it to the ultimate level required to be one of the best athletes in the world next year. It’s been decided that after the DC marathon I will be taking five weeks off with total rest. I’m to gain approx 20lbs from here (143). I really, really need it. Not sure what am going to do with all the extra time, but I’m sure I’ll find something!!
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