So excited to finish up the Ironman season on October 25 with an event that got it all started only a couple of years ago, the marathon. My first marathon I trained less than 30 days with my longest run if I recall being less than 12 miles and virtually all of my training was done running around a flat loop near my house. No hills, no speed work, no coaching and about 35 lbs heavier than where I am now. I don’t recommend this approach for any or all newbie’s out there especially if you want to try the hardest marathon I’m aware of; The Boston Marathon. The results were disastrous, humbling and all out painful. I’ll never forget watching some dude from France run by me in a cast at mile 21 with a broken leg as I was walking. End result -6:34. Goal next weekend 2:58-3:06 and the end of one of the most grueling 63 weeks I can imagine.
The aspect that I do recall with my first endurance experience that I clung onto and use daily is that it’s a very special time to connect to the world. Being outside with the simple sound of labored breathing, being grateful for all of God’s gifts and visualizing finish lines in every capacity of my life. My first marathon I used it to mourn the loss of my mother and each and every time I hit the road, I hurt so bad missing her I’d run as if there were no tomorrow. At the end of the run, I was in a better place. It will always be special to me regardless of the time I achieved.
After the pain wore off from my first marathon, I had a chance to sit back and reflect on how many great people I met that are positive and unlike many I had encountered up until this point. In short, those 30 days changed my life. And so it goes. The onion and its layers are peeled every day only to be re-born.
Today, I draw inspiration from so many different areas/levels. There are countless people, images, struggles and goodness that completely fuel me every day. I have my share of crappy days/moments; I just feel that we are all only on this planet for a brief period of time and I want to live my life as if there were no tomorrow.
Recently, I came across these two running videos. Just another way to stoke the engine. Hope you enjoy!
Go Deep in all that you do in life!
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